Q & A May 2021: Asian Darts
Wim Blokpoel - It’s finally time for a new q & a! Our monthly guest in may is Merel van Selm, better known as AsianDarts. Merel is a Dutch expert in the Asian darts scene, and also has her own website: https://asiandarts.sport.blog . On twitter 10 questions have been asked again, and Merel has answered them all! So enjoy our q & a for may 2021!
1. How did you start watching darts? (Wim Blokpoel)
I remember my parents used to watch it when I was young. They both like darts a lot, so I can't remember at which age exactly it was when I first started watching darts. I started getting involved more at the end of 2018.
2. Who is the most underrated Asian player? (Sportsman and Till)
I'd like to say Leslie Lee from Singapore. I think he is the second best Singaporean player and I was pretty surprised to see he wasn't selected for the World Cup last time (well I understand the choice Lim/Lim as well, they're a great duo).
3. Who is your favourite female Asian player? (Wim Blokpoel)
Kasumi Sato. She often smiles a lot when she plays, which brightens up my day as well. I think she can become a really good player if she keeps up the good work.
4. What's the best nation in Asian darts? (Sportsman and Dartsfan03)
5. Can you see the Asian darts scene going the same way as the Asian snooker in a few years? (Paul Woodage)
I'm not very much into snooker, I only know the one Japanese player who always does funny interviews. I hope when things get ''normal'' again, the Asian darts scene can grow again, I think they're doing a great job in Asia.
6. Edward Shoji Foulkes or Yuki Yamada? (Dartsfan03)
Edward Shoji Foulkes. I feel like Yamada is completely out of form currently.
7. Do you think Seigo Asada and Mikuru Suzuki will win a tourcard at some point? (Henry Cheal)
Maybe Asada... But I think it will be very hard for any Asian to win a card ánd keep it.
8. Who is your favourite Dutch player and why? (Dartsfan03 and Henry Cheal)
Vincent van der Voort, he always says what he thinks and he's from the same town as my hometown.
9. Are there any things you would like to change about the Asian Tour? (Wim Blokpoel)
Yes, I'd like it to start again, haha. But seriously, I'd like for the best Asian player on the tour to receive a tour card, maybe that will help Asian darts even more, and encourage the youth players in particular, and also encourage organisations from different countries to put even more effort in steel darts. I feel like especially Japan and the Philippines are doing a great job in regards of steel darts, but when I look at a country like South Korea, it feels like a lot more could be done. In Indonesia, darts once was popular, but a big part of the scene is gone now. I'd really like to see some system to see more encouragement for the players (especially youth) and the organisations there, yes.

10. Have you got any ambition to be a professional darts journalist? (Piebe-Guido van den Berg)
Currently, no, because I feel like it's not a realistic plan. I did travel to tournaments for a while on my own expenses, which was a fun time and gave me a lot of confidence and skills I otherwise wouldn't have had now. I have a wonderful job as a teacher, where I can help a lot of people every day. I also have my family I'd like to invest time in, but I'm very thankful to all the support I've received over the years. I haven't been very active lately, and I'm sorry for that. I'll be sure to get back to darts more when things get a little bit quieter in daily life.