Q & A March 2021: Pim Huberts
It’s March 2021, time for our monthly Q & A! Another big name this month, from the Netherlands we have darts journalist for Darts Actueel, and host of the Darts around the globe podcast Pim Huberts. Our twitter followers have asked him questions, and he has given the answers! Enjoy the read!
1. How did you start at Darts Actueel as a journalist? (Sportsman)
Patrick Bus noticed I was reacting to some darts accounts on Twitter, and wrote me a message whether I wanted to write for Dutch Darts Medium (the website before Darts Actueel). It was a simple as that hahah. Luckily I could tell him I already had experience writing at a newspaper and volunteering at a radio station. When our former website got lost, I was helping organizing Darts Acuteel at the very beginning. And I'm very proud of the brand we already created. One should note that everything we do is on a voluntary basis though.
2. What's it like being on the virtual press conferences during the big PDC events? (Weekly Dartscast)
Although I already participated in the virtual press conferences for quite some times, I am still nervous every time I need to do my interview. This has also to with the fact that I'm the only foreigner in the room. In the virtual press rooms there is a clear structure of whom will ask the first questions. Phill Barrs and Phill Lanning are always first for example. Since I always wait for the others to ask their questions, one time all the ''big'' darts journalist left the room and were apparently not interested in my questions. This was a funny moment. Luckily I have noticed my place in the room is respected now and especially Josh Green from Tungsten Tales is a very good guy.
3. which interview you had did you like the most? (Sportsman)
If you talk about the post-game interviews it is definitely my interviews with Simon Whitlock and Dirk van Duijvenbode. When you see the player smiling because of your question or introduction, it's always a good sign. Of the longer interviews I really enjoyed my recordings with Mozhgan Rahmani, Diogo Portela, Scott Mitchell and Dmitriy Gorbunov.
4. Top 5 Dutch players currently playing and top 5 Dutch players who no longer play? (Weekly Dartscast)
1) Michael van Gerwen
2) Dirk van Duijvenbode
3) Raymond van Barneveld
4) Vincent van der Voort
5) Danny Noppert
I have to admit I am not that long part of the darts scene that I can call myself a darts historian. Obviously guys like Co Stompé and Roland Scholten are legend of the sport. Also: can I add Wessel Nijman to this list?
5. Top 5 dutch talents who aren't tourcard holders yet? (Dartsfan03)
1) Kevin Doets
2) Damian Mol
3) Luc Peters (Although a little bit older already)
4) Wessel Nijman
5) Owen Roelofs
6. Do you think that MVG will win more World Championship's then Eric Bristow? (Henry Cheal)
Michael van Gerwen won't win any World Championship event in the future.
7. Is Michael van Gerwen going to retire before he turns 40? (Till)
Absolutely not. He will be good enough for the PDC circuit for most of his life. I am interested in how Van Gerwen will proceed his career when he is not the absolute best of the world anymore, but he won't stop. What else is he going to do? Making bathrooms again?
8. Except MVG, which other Dutch player do you think could be world number one? (Henry Cheal)
None. I don't see any player become world number one at the moment. I even doubt if Van Gerwen will ever be back on that spot.
9. When will you have a private sponser on your shirt? (Mike Hooiveld)
I actually have my own darts shirt already! Although I had to buy it myself... But a new shirt with sponsors is always welcome! The plan to play development tour in the future is still on my schedule.
10. Who is your favorite colleague in the Darts Actueel team? (Patrick Bus)
I could make some jokes here if I want but I won't. Patrick Bus is the leading guy behind the team. He does most of the work and should be appreciated the most. Jetze Jan Idsardi is our mastermind and writes quite some articles as well. Mike Hooiveld is our youtube host and has always great ideas. Besides them are Lars, Stefan, Hugo, Mike, Erik en Jurgen also a great addition to the team. We work together really well and have lots of fun.
Bonus: Weekly Dartscast: Will you help us be a translator when we have Luc Peters on our show as a guest please?
Of course I will! The Weekly Dartscast guys are absolutely awesome.